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December 28, 2003 - More on "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - as seen by a columnist who claims to be a novelist, a Christian libertarian and member of both Mensa and the Southern Baptist Convention.

Last week in the film column I thought I had covered all the possible reactions to the new Lord of the Rings release in December 21, 2003 - Film: As If the Age of Reason Never Happened - but I was wrong.

In World Net Daily you will find this by one Vox Day, in his weekly column.  Vox Day, a pseudonym one supposes, is also syndicated nationally by Universal Press Syndicate.

Peter Jackson has made a film for all time, but also one that is uniquely apropos today. As John Rhys-Davis, the actor who played Gimli, has said: "I think that Tolkien says that some generations will be challenged. And if they do not rise to meet that challenge, they will lose their civilization."

Today, our civilization faces just such a challenge, with enemies within and without. America, the champion of the West, is challenged by the orcs of violent Islam, the would-be Sauron that is the United Nations, and its Nazgul France, Germany, Russia and China. Nor should we forget our globalists in government, who, like Saruman, would betray everything to which they are sworn in an attempt to win the favor of the growing shadow.

We cannot all be Aragorn. But, perhaps we can each strive to be a Frodo, shouldering our lonely burden for the sake of those and that which we love. And we can hope for loyal companions such as the trusty Sam Gamgee, who will walk by our side, always ready to lift us up and carry us when we falter.

In this manner, we will persevere ... until the return of the King.


Okay, I get it.  Aragorn is not exactly the "Fisher King" figure in your typical "mythic" reading, the king-healer.  He's really Jesus.  Got it.

And Jesus will save us from the United Nations - the evil unbodied eye.


The swarthy orcs, them dusky bad folks, are the Muslims. 


The black riders, the undead enslaved former kings, who exist only to kill for their evil master, are really "Old Europe" - France, Germany, and Russia - and the other major power who thought the Iraq war was unnecessary, China. 


And the globalists in our government, Powell and those guys at the State Department, who think we should consult and cooperate with other nations rather than humiliate and threaten them, are just like the evil wizard who seeks to cut down all the trees, strip the earth bare, breed half-human warriors and win the favor of the evil one (the United Nations).

How odd.  Why didn't I see that?  No one ever asked me to join Mensa.  Oh well.


And Rick Brown in Atlanta commented:


Yeah, this guy seems to have put maybe too much thought into his interpretation of the "Rings" thing.  I myself remember doing a similar number on "Rosemary's Baby" when it first came out.  I had somehow convinced myself that Ira Levin was doing a jokey kind of "justification" to all those who always claimed that the Jews killed Our Lord Jesus, in effect saying (without admitting the charge was true, of course), "Well, wouldn't you Christians have been tempted to do the same thing, had you thought a baby was being born that would grow up to overturn your own particular world order?"  Although all my friends thought I was stretching it, I still think this is a good theory.

In the long run, of course, they were right.  In the final analysis, stories are just stories, and unless the point they try to make is as glaringly obvious as the rising sun, they are really not meant to be taken that seriously.



Geez, I never thought about Rosemary's Baby in that context at all!