Gritty Hollywood
Gritty Hollywood
Thursday, February 2, 2006 - a walk through the streets a block north and a bit west of the famous intersection of Sunset and Vine. The streets are Ivar and Cosmo, and Selma and Wilcox. Visually interesting. The glamour is elsewhere. But this is how Hollywood actually feels.

A note on these photographs -
If you use any of these photos for commercial purposes I assume you'll discuss that with me.
These were shot with a Nikon D70 - lens AF-5 Nikor 18-70mm 1:35-4.5G ED.

Copyright © 2006 - Alan M. Pavlik - All Rights Reserved
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On Wilcox, one block north of Sunset, the Hollywood News Building (1930) -
On Wilcox, one block north of Sunset, the Hollywood News Building (1930) -