Topic: World View
Updates – France
In the last two days, since the original posting of Geopolitics: Fallout from the French Kiss of Death, much has been added to that item, from the BBC comment on orthography to clarifications from Ric Erickson, editor of MetropoleParis on what the term liberal means in France, to an analysis from Ric of the newly rearranged government there.
Click on the link and the item will pop up in a new window. Scroll down and you’ll see new reporting from Our Man in Paris.
Where else will you get immediate updates on the situation, with commentary?
The latest analysis from Paris is dated Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 3:45 in the afternoon, Pacific Time. That’s almost one in the morning on June 2nd in Paris. Let’s assume Ric got some sleep after he explained the situation to us here on the other side of the world.
Posted by Alan at 16:10 PDT
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