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"It is better to be drunk with loss and to beat the ground, than to let the deeper things gradually escape."

- I. Compton-Burnett, letter to Francis King (1969)

"Cynical realism – it is the intelligent man’s best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation."

- Aldous Huxley, "Time Must Have a Stop"

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Sunday, 2 May 2004

New issue of JUST ABOVE SUNSET MAGAZINE now online!

No blogging today. Anyway, it was too hot to review events in this sorry world - another day of over a hundred in the shade. A day to hide....

And Sunday is the day I do final assembly and post the week's new issue of this: Just Above Sunset Magazine.

Commentary here will resume tomorrow.

Check it out the new issue of the virtual magazine, the parent publication of the weblog.

This is the "May Day" issue - Volume 2, Number 17

Current Events

War Notes: : How things are going depends on how you look at things, as it is all a matter of having the right attitude...
This is expanded from the "Tinkerbell" items over the last several days here, with commentary from Phillip Raines in Georgia and information on the Hersch revelations that were just published in The New Yorker regarding the Baghdad prison business.

The Dead: A turning point this week? A long road to the final paragraphs that suggest just that...
This is on the ABC "Nightline" broadcast of the roll call of the dead American soldiers in Iraq Friday night - who said what and odd details, and what this all might mean....
This is a new article.

The Zeitgeist: Nathaniel West, cellos and mountain lions... Strange Times as seen from Los Angeles
A tighter version of what originally appeared here....

History Lessons: A minor history lesson from an unlikely source ... Clemenceau jokes around with Woodrow Wilson? Something in praise of Warren G. Harding?
A tighter version of what originally appeared here....

Press Notes: Fox News, Fair and Balanced - Just Not Very Canadian
A Canadian columnist takes on Bill O'Reilly and lives to tell about.
Bill O'Reilly claims France is in ruins, and he helped in this just punishment.
And the other Carlin fellow - Bush want to replace our retiring National Archivist with someone who doesn't like people looking at facts at all.
This is a new article.

Sidebar: Selling ersatz personal responsibility to the masses...
A tighter version of what originally appeared here....

Pythons: The Monty Python survivors (Eric Idle and Terry Jones) speak out ...
Putting the two items Pythons who wrote this week both in one place... in perspective.


Photography: May Day - From our correspondents in Paris and Chicago...
Ric Erickson sends exclusive photos of the May Day parades in Paris, and, for the day, Muguets - that's Lily of the Valley. A tradition. And there's a photo of a deranged cat from Chicago - some odd Paris stuff, and a tree peony shot that's awesome.
This is all new.

Minor Ironies: The Revenge of the French Against America
A tighter version of what originally appeared here with one new detail - that's a 1967 Citro?n, of all things.

Quotes: Two more odd ones... New.

Posted by Alan at 21:37 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2004 21:44 PDT home

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