Topic: Photos
Comments relocated?
Well, sort of....
The new issue of the parent publication to this web log, the virtual magazine Just Above Sunset was posted today. Click here or on the link in the left column.
Volume 2, Number 20 is the First Anniversary Edition of this online endeavor. You will find items there that have not appeared here, vastly expanded versions of items that first appeared here (with comments from our two correspondents in France, the News Guy in Atlanta and Phillip Raines), and of course, Bob Patterson's weekly column. This week's photography section has some odd signage here in Hollywood, and the usual pretty flowers and sunsets.
What you'll find there?
Current Events
Legitimacy: We are the good guys - and no one seems to understand that...
Popular Elections: Vox Populii, Vox Dei and all that stuff...
Trapped: Notes on the War Scandals
Military Views: What the former commanders are saying these days... (new!)
Sidebars: Minor Press Notes... but startling ones. (two of three new!)
Religion: Today In Religion - Texas Theology
WLJ Weekly: Does Zipf's law apply to Schr?dinger's cat? (Bob Patterson's NEW weekly column)
Film Notes: Fahrenheit 9/11 Wins Palme D'Or Award at Cannes (and our readers in France have their say...) (new!)
Odds and Ends: Happy Endings in La-La Land! (It really does pay to watch the news!)
Photography: Nice and surreal - Hollywood mornings
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... (Bob provides some good ones this week.)
Regular entries on this site resume tomorrow.
Check this out...

Posted by Alan at 18:26 PDT
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Updated: Sunday, 23 May 2004 18:31 PDT