Topic: Photos
New issue of JUST ABOVE SUNSET MAGAZINE now online!
No blogging today. It's a holiday weekend....
And, as usual, Sunday is the day I do final assembly and post the week's new issue of this: Just Above Sunset Magazine.
Commentary here will resume tomorrow.
Check it out the new issue of the virtual magazine, the parent publication of the weblog.
Volume 2, Number 21 Sunday, May 30, 2004
- New columns from Bob Patterson - as The World's Laziest Journalist and as The Book Wrangler
- Vastly expanded items that first appeared on the web log, and new items with comments from France (of course)
- Channel your inner "Newfie" checking out a link to one of our writer's adventures in Newfoundland
- A lot of new quotes to keep you thinking
- Pretty pictures, revisiting old scenes...
Current Events
Bush Speaks: Jumping the Shark
Gore Speaks: Back from the dead ...
Conservative Thought: A whole Lott of love here...
Leadership: What Do You Owe Your Subordinates? Tom Clancy almost punched out Richard Perle? Really?
Sidebar: He died. Sisyphus Shrugged.
Legal Matters: International Law and the Geneva Convention: We Take Hostages...
Odds and Ends: New Urban Legends
WLJ Weekly: (The World's Laziest Journalist) Crazy, man, crazy! The return of the bebop sensibilities?
Books: The Book Wrangler Returns (A Bob Patterson extra!)
Religion: A Follow-Up on the Unitarians (Texas Theology Revisited)
Legal Oddities: Adventures in Intellectual Property Rights
Photography: Good Light in Los Angeles
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... (Even more this week!)
Links and Recommendations: Gros Morne National Park, A writer's adventures in Newfoundland...
Note: Some interesting new statistics in "About Just Above Sunset"
Out my front door, Century City...
Posted by Alan at 20:08 PDT
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