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Wednesday, 12 May 2004

Topic: For policy wonks...

Responsibility - Military Style

This is curious. The question about the abuse of prisons in Iraq (and it seems now Afghanistan and a whole lot of other places in what many are now calling our all-American gulag)? A few bad apples? Or a systematic problem? Who is responsible?

See Not Just Following Orders
I'm ashamed of the unit I once commanded.
James D. Villa, The Washington Post, Wednesday, May 12, 2004; Page A23

So who is this guy?
From 1989 to 1992 I commanded the 372nd MP Company, the Army Reserve unit from Cumberland, Md., that is at the center of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. In the years since then, I've had an enduring affection for the unit and those who serve in it. Today what I feel is a sort of sickness, and shame at having been affiliated with the 372nd.

After a long discussion Villa comes to these conclusions -
... Various people, including the families of some of the soldiers in question, have said that the soldiers were not given appropriate training to run a detention facility and had inadequate support to do their jobs. While these statements may be true, in what Army field manual can one locate the section about stacking naked prisoners like cordwood, or affixing collars to their necks? Is special training needed to show a soldier that this sort of thing is contemptible and contrary to any standards of decency?

Further, it is no defense for MPs to claim that they were only following orders, that they were instructed to "soften up" prisoners to enhance subsequent interrogations. While battlefield intelligence gleaned from interrogations may prove invaluable and can save American lives, no officer, no sergeant, has the authority to direct a soldier to commit an atrocity or to violate the Geneva Conventions. While soldiers in a combat environment may face split-second decisions involving difficult moral choices, such was not the case here. We are confronted with picture after picture, story upon story, detailing systematic abuse and degradation by American MPs. We have a right to expect more from our military.

Those serving in Iraq, including the many reservists and National Guardsmen, deserve our respect and admiration. The men and women of our military who are serving in Iraq do so under terrible circumstances. They live each day with fear and danger, far from their families, deprived of the basic comforts of life. Their families suffer for their absence every day and each milestone missed -- a child's graduation, an anniversary, a loved one's birthday -- can never be reclaimed.

To minimize the egregious conduct of some members of the 372nd (and their superiors) dishonors those men and women who honorably serve their country. We must not, as some commentators have said, deem this to be soldiers "blowing off steam" and equate it to a fraternity initiation. To me, that sort of response dishonors those who strive each day to serve their fellow soldiers and complete their missions -- and who risk their lives to do so. A failure to condemn what is wrong is also a failure to recognize what is right -- and what our committed military men and women do around the world each day. Further, minimizing the conduct of these MPs by comparing it to the reckless and violent acts of the Iraqi insurgents is wholly beside the point. We must compare our actions to those of the men and women who have honorably served this country as soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen. We must look to them, and to our own standards of conduct, and not to people who would wantonly kill and terrorize innocents. If our claim is merely that we are better than the terrorists, we leave a tenuous legacy for a budding democracy in Iraq.
Where does the buck stop? With the individual. Claim these were orders that had to be obeyed. Claim is was general policy in theater. Claim in was national policy. It doesn't matter. You are responsible for your own actions. They should have known better.

But some are claiming that what happened at that prison and got into the photographs and MPG videos was, well, even if true, and no one disputes the evidence, probably justified.

Lost of folks are commenting on what Senator Inhofe from Okalahoma said in the hearings on the matter. "I'm probably not the only one up at this table that is more outraged by the outrage than we are by the treatment ... These prisoners, you know they're not there for traffic violations. If they're in cellblock 1-A or 1-B, these prisoners, they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents. Many of them probably have American blood on their hands and here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals."

A problem - our own government says in the Taguba report sixty percent of those detained in that particular prison were held there by mistake. That's the US Army talking. And if you look here we do seem to be dealing now with the International Red Cross data - the figure is more like seventy to ninety percent.

Senator Inhofe from Okalahoma seems to be claiming our Army and the INRC are just flat-out wrong, or perhaps that it doesn't matter. If you are arrested, you must be guilty. That, to him, is common sense. These are bad people who would kill all Americans if they got the chance. How does he know that? Well, otherwise they wouldn't have been arrested - and that's the proof. And thus, QED, they do not deserve kid glove treatment.

It seems the right and the left have different concepts of the basics of the law and fairness. Attorney General Ashcroft has the same sort of circular vision of the law.

Note to self: next cross-country trip, drive AROUND Oklahoma, not through it.

Ah well.

So what really happened?

An interesting summary of where this all stands can be found here from Robert Jeffers:
The story changes so fast you can't keep up with it.

They first learned about this when the "courageous" soldier took the pictures to his superiors. And the pictures were all "personal."

But then stories came out that the pictures were ordered by MI for "intimidation" purposes.

And the ICRC reported it had told the Admin. about these problems months ago.

And it was limited to a handful of "bad apples." Except the same thing happened in Afghanistan.

And the photos were staged, not "snapshots."

And they knew something was up in November, but they fixed it. But they were surprised by the allegations in January.

But no one knew about it. But everyone knew about it, because there was a breakdown in command.

But there was no breakdown. And the Geneva Convention has always applied.

Except when it hasn't.

And we've always followed it. Except when we didn't.

And we don't abuse prisoners. Except when we do. It's not "American." Except it is expressly sanctioned by military regulations. Except it can only be sanctioned by the DoD, because Rumsfeld keeps tight rein on everything.

Except he doesn't. Because this was authorized in Iraq, not in Washington. Except it couldn't have been, because Rummy runs a tight ship.

Except he didn't know. But don't call it "plausible deniability." Because there's a chain of command.

Except Rumsfeld doesn't know what it is. He only knows about the PR campaign he's been conducting since these photos went public.

But he isn't lying. He just doesn't know anything.

But it's okay. Because he's doing a great job.

Even though everything is a shambles.
Well, yes. It is, isn't it?

The president last year when asked if we had enough troops on the ground in Iraq said yes, we did. We could take care of the bad guys - and said to the bad guys "Bring it on!" That fellow from Philadelphia was beheaded by these bad guys this week. So they are doing just that. But it would be unkind to suggest a connection between these two things. But one is tempted to be unkind here.

Then this... Colin Powell is now saying "...we kept the president informed of the concerns that were raised by the ICRC and other international organizations as part of my regular briefings of the president, and advised him that we had to follow these issues, and when we got notes sent to us or reports sent to us ... we had to respond to them, and the president certainly made it clear that that's what he expected us to do."

And he's saying too that Rice and Rumsfeld kept Bush "fully informed of the concerns that were being expressed, not in specific details, but in general terms."

Say what? Josh Marshall points out the obvious - Not only does that contradict what the White House and the president have said. It contradicts the testimony of one of Don Rumsfeld's principal deputies from only yesterday. [Tuesday, 11 May]
When asked by Sen. John Warner whether the ICRC's concerns had made their way to the Secretary's level, Stephen Cambone replied: "No, sir, they did not. Those reports -- those working papers, again, as far as I understand it, were delivered at the command level. They are designed -- the process is designed so that the ICRC can engage with the local commanders and make those kinds of improvements that are necessary in a more collaborative environment than in an adversarial one."

I've been hearing for days that the State Department at the highest levels (i.e., not a few lefty FSOs in the bureaucracy, but authorized at the highest levels) has been leaking like crazy against the civilian leadership of the Pentagon on this story.

And here we have it right out in the open. Powell isn't exactly saying the White House or the president is lying. What he's doing might fairly be described as walking up to the black board, writing out "2+2=" and then letting us draw our own conclusions.
Let's see, the President and Rumsfeld are saying they really didn't know about these problems with the abuse of these prisoners who for the most part seem to have been mostly hapless folks caught in a broad round-up of whoever looked a little shifty and perhaps looked Islamic or something - so it wasn't THEIR fault - and when they found out, they did just the right thing.

And their own Secretary of State basically says, but says quite diplomatically, they're liars.


Well, James D. Villa - who knows something about command - says yes, you can blame the individual soldiers for this. The Senator from Oklahoma says he's outraged if you do - because these folks we arrested did not deserve kindness and respect, if you follow his logic. Rumsfeld is still maintaining we are doing pretty much what we should - and has defended these military interrogation techniques, rejecting complaints that they violate international rules and may endanger Americans taken prisoner - after all, Pentagon lawyers had approved methods such as sleep deprivation and dietary changes as well as rules permitting guards to make prisoners assume stressful positions.

Well, define stress, Don. And Pentagon lawyers? Really?

The Committee on International Law of the New York City Bar Association did find that the American military's treatment of detainees and prisoners of war in Afghanistan, Cuba and Iraq violates international law -- and the compilers of the report say that the techniques employed by interrogators at prisons such as Abu Ghraib were "sanctioned by Pentagon political appointees."

Well, Don has his lawyers too. And his lawyers say there's nothing to see here, folks - move on.

Shall we?

Posted by Alan at 15:29 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, 11 May 2004

Topic: Iraq

Just Kidding

Many political sites are pointing back to this. What happened? No one told the woman? We weren't supposed to notice nothing like this actually happened? Quite curious.

See Rice will manage Iraq's 'new phase'
Judy Keen, USA TODAY - Posted 10/6/2003 10:02 PM - Updated 10/7/2003 6:52 AM
WASHINGTON -- President Bush is giving his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, the authority to manage postwar Iraq and the rebuilding of Afghanistan.

While some saw it as a sign of frustration with the handling of postwar efforts, Bush and other officials said the move is a logical next step and reflected no dissatisfaction with progress.

"We want to cut through the red tape and make sure that we're getting the assistance there quickly so that they can carry out their priorities," Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said. "It's a new phase, a different phase we're entering."

Rice will head the Iraq Stabilization Group, which will have coordinating committees on counterterrorism, economic development, political affairs and media messages. Each committee will be headed by a Rice deputy and include representatives of the State, Defense and Treasury departments and the CIA.
Or maybe all this stuff about the prison abuse photos and the odd quasi-siege of Fallujah and the Sunni uprising being joined by the Shiites and everything else is not the result of anything Rumsfeld has done. It's that Rice woman. One wonders what she's planning for close-of-business on June 30 when we hand Iraq over to what in the world of professional sports are referred to as "players to be named later."

No. One needs to take press releases with a grain of salt. Just an idea, quietly abandoned. Our press, left and right, did not follow up, as we don't want to make our leader seem... feckless? Heavens forefend!

And folks wonder why no one takes what the administration says at face value. But it would be useful if when they say things like this someone in the background holds up a sign that reads "Just Kidding" - or one that says "We May Actually Do This." That might help.

Posted by Alan at 17:39 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Topic: For policy wonks...

Good intentions and a little fudging on the r?sum? and people get all upset....

CBS is reporting on an odd little item about some of leaders in Washington. First these CBS folks prove they hate America by airing those prison abuse photographs on 60 Minutes and undercut our noble efforts in Iraq. Remember this from Jonah Goldberg over at William F. Buckley's National Review?
Whoever leaked these pictures to the press was not doing anybody any favors. Since the case was already being handled, the release of these pictures did more harm than good. I don't blame 60 Minutes for running them - though I don't applaud them either. But a person would/could be morally obligated to leak these pictures if the army was covering it up or refusing to investigate. It doesn't sound like that was the case. So releasing the photos isn't prodding the government to do the right thing, it's encouraging millions of Arabs to hate us. That's not whistle-blowing, that's sabotage.
CBS is irresponsible, it seems.

You want the best and the brightest running the show, folks who would never let these photos be disseminated.

Well, who is running the show in Washington? From the new CBS item -
Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Abell has a master's from Columbus University, a diploma mill Louisiana shut down. Deputy Assistant Secretary Patricia Walker lists among her degrees, a bachelor's from Pacific Western, a diploma mill banned in Oregon and under investigation in Hawaii.

CBS News requested interviews with both officials. The Pentagon turned us down, saying, "We don't consider it an issue."

But using such a degree is a crime in some states. Alan Contreras cracks down on diploma mills for Oregon, a state that's taken the lead on this issue.

"You don't want somebody with a fake degree working in Homeland Security," says Contreras. "You don't want somebody with a fake degree teaching your children or designing your bridges."

But we found employees with diploma mill degrees at the new Transportation Security Administration, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Departments of Treasury and Education, where Rene Drouin sits on an advisory committee. He has degrees from two diploma mills including Kensington University.
So what's up with CBS? Do they want the FCC to shut them down as a subversive organization? Geez. They seem to be trying to embarrass the important people who keep us safe.

Of course, there is this view from Eric Alterman in his MSNBC daily column...
Let's recap shall we? We invaded a country that we now know posed no threat to us and enjoyed no connection whatever to those who did. In order to do so, we pulled manpower and resources away from the job of protecting us and thereby made ourselves more vulnerable to the thousands of new enemies we created with our failed, dishonest invasion. OK, what next?

How about we go through the nation we profess to be liberating, arrest a whole bunch of innocent people and then torture them -- raping a few here, killing a few there. What next?

Well, what do you say we continue to this for a year after the Red Cross alerts us both to the fact of the torture as well as the innocence of "70% to 90% of prisoners detained in Iraq since the war began last year?"

I don't know about you, but I'm having trouble understanding why, at minimum, the term "criminal negligence" is not being used here. If Rumsfeld really is responsible, and he says he is, then he should not merely be fired, but tried. I know it's more than he's willing to offer an American citizen like Jose Padilla but I'm in a generous mood. This being the Bush presidency, however, he is instead congratulated. "You are doing a superb job. You are a strong secretary of defense, and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude," says the man who has just reached the lowest popularity point of his presidency. I fear Mr. Orwell is looking more and more pollyanish every day.

I do wonder what honest supporters of the war are telling themselves now. There was no threat. There was no planning for the occupation. We are hated by the people who we professed to liberate and we have destroyed our reputation in the Arab world we were pretending to teach a lesson about democracy. The Arab-Israeli peace process is in tatters and we are reduced to begging the very same United Nations we treated so contemptuously to bail us out of the mess we've created. In the meantime, Americans are in the hundreds are being killed a year after the president proclaimed "Mission Accomplished" and we have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives to make neither ourselves nor the rest of the world any safer.
Well, yes.

But we meant well. And check out those degrees on the wall!

A sort of legal point: Can there be "criminal negligence" when Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest meant well? Everyone makes mistakes now and then, even if they won't ever admit that they might have made any mistakes at all.

Don't good intentions matter? Shouldn't good intentions count for something?

Not now.

Posted by Alan at 12:05 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Monday, 10 May 2004

Topic: In these times...


What is there to say about all the news today?

Not much. In the words of James Carville - "Back in 2000 a Republican friend warned me that if I voted for Al Gore and he won, the stock market would tank, we'd lose millions of jobs, and our military would be totally overstretched. You know what? I did vote for Gore, he did win, and I'll be damned if all those things didn't come true!"

Oh well. What to make of it all?

This on the prisoner abuse business in Iraq is curious.

Brutality: the home truths
Gary Younge, The Guardian (UK), Tuesday May 11, 2004

The last two paragraphs?
Americans are as disgusted by the evidence as everybody else. But they are pretty much alone in their shock that such things could happen under their flag. To the rest of the world, everything from detentions in Guant?namo Bay to the disregard for the UN points to a leadership at the White House which regards international law and human rights as at best an encumbrance and at worst an irrelevance.

The most stark contradiction to have emerged from this episode is that many Americans see their country as a harbinger of democracy and freedom which made a mistake, and the rest of the world sees it as a bully reverting to type.
So which is it?

I suppose it doesn't matter...

And this reminds me of how I used to approach assignments that were coming due in graduate school. I'd sort of do the research, and think about what I'd say in my paper, and shuffle my index cards around, and... but I did finally have to write the damned paper.

Here's Seymour Hersh in the last weekend's New Yorker - a follow up to the first report on the prisoner abuse business in Iraq. Here he discusses how the whole thing was handled, getting the skinny from a source in the Pentagon.
Secrecy and wishful thinking, the Pentagon official said, are defining characteristics of Rumsfeld's Pentagon, and shaped its response to the reports from Abu Ghraib. "They always want to delay the release of bad news--in the hope that something good will break," he said. The habit of procrastination in the face of bad news led to disconnects between Rumsfeld and the Army staff officers who were assigned to planning for troop requirements in Iraq. A year ago, the Pentagon official told me, when it became clear that the Army would have to call up more reserve units to deal with the insurgency, "we had call-up orders that languished for thirty or forty days in the office of the Secretary of Defense."

Rumsfeld's staff always seemed to be waiting for something to turn up--for the problem to take care of itself, without any additional troops. The official explained, "They were hoping that they wouldn't have to make a decision." ...
I can understand that.

But it's a hell of a way to run a war.

Oh, and here's some wishful thinking from Josh Marshall regarding Rumsfeld -
You expect -- or perhaps better to say, you hope -- soon to see the sober, serious grown-up come along, put his hand on the guy's shoulder and say, "It's over" -- perhaps saying it a few more times, with arresting finality, until he understands.
Seems unlikely, doesn't it?

Speaking of wishful thinking, were I Paris Wednesday night....

Sonny Rollins
12 May
28 blvd des Capucines, 9th
Tel: 01 47 42 25 49


Posted by Alan at 20:59 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2004 21:03 PDT home

Sunday, 9 May 2004

Topic: Photos

A new issue of Just Above Sunset weekly is now online...

Click here for that.

New stuff - Bob Patterson's column and new fiction from Doctor Debbie. Guest photography. Extended and completely updated versions of ideas that started here.

And a Nash Metropolian...

Posted by Alan at 20:54 PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
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