
Here's a shot for Labor Day in Los Angeles - Monday, September 1,
2003. This sums up how things are going for some folks out here. And the roses are right across the street, Ventura
Boulevard in Studio City....

Rich folks with great jobs, or perhaps with well-paying jobs they
hate, live in these condominiums in this tower overlooking Sunset Boulevard on the edge of Beverly Hills. Or maybe the
don't work at all and just have the spare change to live here. Whatever. I just like the strong lines.

In the park in the middle of Beverly Hills, at the corner of Beverly
and Santa Monica Boulevard, a few steps from the new Museum of Television and Radio, you will find this bronze rabbit
playing a drum, by one Barry Flanagan, placed here by the City of Beverly Hills Fine Art Commission in 1990 -
for reasons one can only guess. One knows that is a drum because there is a small sign that says the title of the
piece is "Drummer."
Behind the rabbit is this large tree, which, if the commemorative
inscription is correct, has been growing here since 1910 or so.
Beverly Hills is indeed an odd place.


