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Thursday, 5 February 2004

How to keep your head from exploding these days...

Yesterday I posted an item on the wonderful leaps of logic we are forced to make these days, covering the ever-changing explanations of why we went to war, to the new commission to discover the facts about weapons of mass destruction we were told, for a fact, were there in Iraq, but don't now seem to be there. It does strain one's patience.

In short, we got rid of a guy that really, really wanted to have weapons of mass destruction, and we're told that this made him dangerous. I really, really want a Ferrari. Does that make me rich?

And we are now told we didn't have the actual "facts" about what he had. But we foolishly thought we had been told that we did have the facts, when we should have understood Powell's presentation at the UN was about facts that might have been facts as if so, made Saddam Hussein really dangerous. We couldn't wait. War was necessary.

Fine. Do we keep this guys in power come November, or will our brains explode?

Form his exile in eastern France my grumpy American friend adds this:
And if we had any ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had any eggs....

The task of getting rid of those bozos is really quite simple, we just have to find a way to make voters of those literally millions of people who already hate Bush's guts, but don't vote. That's a much simpler problem that trying to debunk and deprogram. And television ads won't do the trick.

Republicans are terrified that minorities might become interested in politics. The more sensible position is to be terrified that they might not.
I'm not sure there is a giant bloc of previously non-voting, silent, minority folks ready to throw the bums out. Yes, if Karl Rove thought this, he'd be worried. And if they existed, the Democrats would be foolish to ignore them, and terrified they had overlooked that resource.

But that's a little hypothetical for me.

On the other hand, to save our heads from exploding from the pressure of being forced, weekly, to rethink the logic of why we're in Iraq - and to reconsider what it means that our reason for being there is a bit vague, and becoming more and more vague by the day - we could elect a new team to run the country.

Could we?

Here's what I see folks saying today...

Plutocrats And Populists
Harold Meyerson, The Washington Post, Thursday, February 5, 2004; Page A21

At the core of what Meyerson says is this - Bush could be tossed out. But it wouldn't be because of war. It's the economy. It's the masses rising up against the rich.
Given the choice between serving the national interest and favoring the rich, George W. Bush has opted incessantly, even obsessively, for the latter.

That is the main reason why he may well be unseated in November. If Bush tax policies are not class warfare, then the term has no meaning at all. Moreover, in the age of globalization, the interests of many U.S.-based corporations grow increasingly divergent from those of the American people.

It's not that these corporations have not resumed hiring, but much of that hiring takes place abroad. A new survey in the Financial Times of the 100 largest American companies notes that they paid 30.6 percent of their 2003 income in taxes, down from 33 percent in 2002 - a change that the Times attributes to their increasing share of economic activity overseas. The administration's response to the challenge of "outsourcing" has been to slash taxes on investment, even as investment in corporations has less and less to do with creating jobs here at home.

What the Democrats' neo-populists are taking aim at isn't business as such, of course, but policies that reward outsourcing and do nothing to foster employment in the States. "This has nothing to do with class warfare," Kerry told supporters in St. Louis last week. "There are great companies and great CEOs throughout America, and I don't want us to be a Democratic Party that loves jobs and hates the people who create them."
Okay. Set the war aside. Forget about where those tons of nerve gas and antrax and whatever else may be. Or if they even "be" - so to speak. We could change things because of the economy.

Maybe so.

What should the Democratic opposition do?

Be pragmatic.

But that has its limitations. And the Democratic Party is a mess.

Michael Kinsley nailed that today in Slate - and his columns usually appear the next day in the Washington Post - so you'll probably see it there too.

See The Pragmatists' Primary
Desperately seeking electability.
Michael Kinsley - Posted Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004, at 12:26 PM PT SLATE.COM

He starts out nasty:
Democrats are cute when they're being pragmatic. They furrow their brows and try to think like Republicans. Or as they imagine Republicans must think. They turn off their hearts and listen for signals from their brains. No swooning is allowed this presidential primary season. "I only care about one thing," they all say. "Which of these guys can beat Bush?" Secretly, they believe none of them can, which makes the amateur pragmatism especially poignant.

Nevertheless, Democrats persevere. They ricochet from candidate to candidate, hoping to smell a winner. In effect, they give their proxy to the other party. "If I was a Republican," they ask themselves, "which of these Democratic candidates would I be most likely to vote for?" And by the time this is all over, most of the serious contenders will have been crowned the practical choice for at least a moment. First it was Lieberman the Centrist. "I'm actually for Dennis Kucinich," a Democrat might say, "because I like his position on nationalizing all the churches. But I'm supporting Joe Lieberman. His views on nearly everything are repellent to me, and I think that's a good sign."

Then the General entered the race. And I don't mean General Anesthesia. A man in uniform, Democrats thought. People like that sort of thing, don't they? And yet he's a Democrat. Or at least he plays one on TV. True, on most issues he has either no known position or two contradictory positions. But he says he can requisition those missing parts. And he's a General. Talk about pragmatic! But when the General traded in his uniform for a fuzzy sweater, he suddenly looked less General-like than Al Sharpton.

Some Democrats cheated and looked into their hearts, where they found Howard Dean. But he was so appealing that he scared them. This is no moment to vote for a guy just because he inspires you, they thought. If he inspires me, there must be something wrong with him. So, Democrats looked around and rediscovered John Kerry. He'd been there all along, inspiring almost no one. You're not going to find John Kerry inspiring unless you're married to him or he literally saved your life. Obviously neither of those is a strategy that can be rolled out on a national level. But he's got the r?sum?. And gosh, he sure looks like a president (an "animatronic Lincoln," as my Slate colleague Mickey Kaus uncharitably described him).

So, it's a deal? Probably, but just to be completely businesslike, Democrats are taking the opportunity to check out John Edwards. He certainly is good-looking, though maybe not in a presidential way. He lacks the uniform, but he has a Southern accent, which is almost as good if you're trying to seduce those non-liberals. Aspiring pragmatists also have noted recent press reports that Edwards has a stunning ability to sway an audience. I'm not looking to be swayed myself, our Democrat thinks. No need to sway me this year; my views don't matter, even to me. But swaying the heathenry would be good.

And Edwards is a first-term senator who never held office before. Thus he offers almost no experience, which is just the right amount. No political experience at all makes you look silly running for president, as Wesley Clark is discovering. But experience is also a disadvantage in American politics. All politicians, including incumbent presidents, campaign against Washington insiders and the political establishment. But it's a bit more convincing if you're a relative newcomer. Also, experience means a record of past votes and speeches. This limits your ability to invent yourself for the needs of today. As Kerry is discovering, even the most uninteresting two decades in the Senate can provide rich material simultaneously for Bush operatives trying to convince voters that you are a dangerous liberal and for primary opponents trying to convince voters that you are not one.

As each candidate takes his turn in the pragmatists' spotlight, he gets beaten up a bit, irritates supporters of the other candidates, and gives the Bush troops a chance for some early target practice.

If political pragmatism is defined as thinking like a Republican, it's no surprise that Republicans do it better.
That hits the nail on the head. The whole thing is a great read, if somewhat depressing for any Democrat.

His conclusion is that the Democrats are intent on figuring out what other people want. Republicans know what they want.

As for me, I just want my head NOT to explode from trying to figure out what I'm supposed to think is the reason my friends and relatives are over in Iraq now.

I did listen to George Tenet today give a speech in which he said the CIA never really said Iraq was an imminent threat, but that they sort of were, really. Depending on how you look at it.

All this is most disorienting, but I guess that's the idea. They win.

Posted by Alan at 17:21 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 17:27 PST home

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