Southern California Photography by Alan Pavlik, editor and publisher of Just Above Sunset
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Photos and text, unless otherwise noted, Copyright © 2006 - Alan M. Pavlik

If you use any of these photos for commercial purposes I assume you'll discuss that with me

These were shot with a Nikon D70 - using lens (1) AF-S Nikkor 18-70 mm 1:35-4.5G ED, or (2) AF Nikkor 70-300mm telephoto, or after 5 June 2006, (3) AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor, 55-200 mm f/4-5.6G ED. They were modified for web posting using Adobe Photoshop 7.0

The original large-format raw files are available upon request.

Contact the Editor

Visitors from February 28, 2006, 10:00 am Pacific Time to date -

Monday, 24 July 2006
Topic: South of Hollywood
The Situation, Monday, July 24, 2006 -
The heat wave weakened only slightly today but temperatures and humidity levels remained above average. Today, the high in Santa Clarita was 107; it was 100 in Burbank and 98 in downtown Los Angeles.

… By midmorning, Cal-ISO had already declared a Stage 1 emergency, asking consumers to voluntarily conserve power usage. The Stage 2 emergency, ordering businesses under special contracts to curtail power, was issued about 1 p.m.

If the power demand had sapped the energy supply, a Stage 3 emergency, setting off rolling blackouts, would have been called, said Cal-ISO Chief Executive Officer Yakout Mansour at a morning briefing at the state Capitol.

The heat wave gripping the state, the worst since 1998, has been so intense it's driven up demand for electricity by 40% since the state's energy crisis of 2001, Mansour said.

… Heat is at levels expected only once every 50 years in some parts of the state and once every 100 years in others, said Joseph Desmond, deputy secretary for energy at the California Resources Agency.

… Sunday was the 18th consecutive day that temperatures reached triple digits in parts of the Los Angeles Basin.

The solution might be tidal pools (Malaga Cove, a few miles south of Los Angeles International Airport) - 

Tidal pools at Malaga Cove, a few miles south of Los Angeles International Airport
















Palm tree at rock beach at the end of Barbara Avenue, San Pedro, down in the harbor area -

Palm tree at rock beach at the end of Barbara Avenue, San Pedro












One could just go fishing -

Fishing boat off San Pedro, California

Posted by Alan at 7:06 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Updated: Monday, 24 July 2006 7:15 PM PDT
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Surf City, USA
Topic: South of Hollywood

Surf City, USA

Surfers, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA
Forty miles south of Los Angeles there's Huntington Beach, down in Orange County - south of Seal Beach and before you get too far south and end up in Costa Mesa or Newport Beach. This is known around the world as "Surf City" and the city's website (here) shows the ® - it's official, or legally the secondary name, or whatever. If any other place decides to call itself "Surf City" they just might sue. Santa Cruz up north had decided to call itself "Surf City, USA" - and Huntington Beach cried foul. A ruling by the Patent and Trademark Office released on May 12, 2006, awarded the trademark to Huntington Beach. So be careful.

Huntington Beach does have eight miles of accessible beachfront - "the largest stretch of uninterrupted beachfront on the West Coast" - and the largest public pier too. And this is the site of the world surfing championships, held each summer, even if there was that riot in 1985 with police cars overturned and set on fire. That doesn't happen any more. Anyway, Huntington Beach was mentioned in the Beach Boys song "Surfin' Safari." It must be Surf City.

And a technical note - the surf here is good because of the edge-diffraction of ocean swells by the island of Catalina - think of it as an amplifier for what gets generated out in the Pacific. And then too, because of the curve of the coastline at Huntington Beach, the beach actually faces southwest, not west like all the others. This is good - in summer any southwest-facing beach will get especially strong surf from major storms off the Mexican coast, as was the case with these shots from Wednesday, June 21, 2006, the final day of a three-day high surf advisory. It's been nasty down Acapulco way, and the surf is up in Surf City, USA.

Surfers, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA

Surfers, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA

Surfers, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA

Surfers, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA

Surfer, Huntington Beach, California - Surf City, USA

Posted by Alan at 9:31 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Updated: Wednesday, 21 June 2006 9:41 PM PDT
Monday, 17 April 2006
Motion Capture
Topic: South of Hollywood

Motion Capture

California Brown Pelican in Flight, Long Beach Harbor, 23 February 2006

A California Brown Pelican in Flight...

The context, Long Beach Harbor 23 February 2006...

Shore Birds, Long Beach Harbor, 23 February 2006

Posted by Alan at 6:00 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Updated: Monday, 17 April 2006 6:01 PM PDT
Friday, 17 March 2006
Topic: South of Hollywood


At the other Just Above Sunset sites you'll find both a page of high-resolution photos of the Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion at Angels Gate Park in San Pedro and a more extensive photo album of the location. Phillip Raines, the musician and mason who has written extensively for the weekly site, Just Above Sunset, wanted shots of the stonework at the pagoda - professional interest. Thursday, March 16, 2006, another drive down there to get those details. Thirteen shots of the stonework are here, in an album called Stonework. At the album you will also find links to the nine pieces Phillip has published in these pages.

This stonework may be of limited interest, but it is cool. Phillip's first reaction - "Holy shit, and that's granite! I'll elaborate later."

Here, in high-resolution, are a few of the shots.

Stonework at the Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion, Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, south Los Angeles County, California.

Stonework at the Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion, Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, south Los Angeles County, California.

Stonework at the Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion, Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, south Los Angeles County, California.

Posted by Alan at 4:36 PM PST | Post Comment | Permalink

Thursday, 16 March 2006
March Madness: The Most Picturesque Basketball Court In The World
Topic: South of Hollywood

March Madness: The Most Picturesque Basketball Court In The World

Last week at these sites you'd find a page of photos of the Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion at Angels Gate Park in San Pedro, and a link to a more extensive photo album. The most picturesque basketball court in the world can be found there too, but a film crew was shooting a Viagra commercial that day, so that wasn't in the collection of photos. Here it is. You see it in films on television now and then. Catalina in the background.

The basketball court in the sky at Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, California, Los Angeles

The basketball court in the sky at Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, California, Los Angeles

The basketball court in the sky at Angels Gate Park, San Pedro, California, Los Angeles

Posted by Alan at 7:30 PM PST | Post Comment | Permalink

Updated: Thursday, 16 March 2006 7:33 PM PST

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