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Thursday, 10 November 2005

Topic: Photos

Catching the Past in Los Angeles Before it Disappears - the Tail O' the Pup

No Politics Today. Enough is enough. Thursdays are the day to shoot photographs for the weekend edition of Just Above Sunset, the magazine-format parent site to this web log. And the day was for Melrose Avenue, as in this:
Long before TV's "Melrose Place" hit the TV airwaves, there was Melrose Avenue, the real Melrose Avenue - one of the unique sections of the city which help define the L.A. experience. It's a funky, New Wave, walking/shopping/dining/ people-watching area which is, in turn, both bizarre and delightful.

Melrose is to the young, cutting-edge trendies of the West Side what Rodeo Drive is to their affluent elders, and what the Venice boardwalk is to LA's residual 60's counterculture: a place to shop, a place to stroll outdoors, but most of all, it's a place to see and be seen.

Melrose is one of the few genuine pedestrian neighborhoods in our City of Angels, and it is unique, with a quirky, slightly-demented personality all its own. It's a neighborhood trying desperately to be hip and outlandish, and succeeding wonderfully; a garish blur of day-glo and neon, of pierced noses and red Ferraris; row after row of eccentric, trendy little boutiques with gaudy storefronts done up in florescent colors, sporting curious names such as "A Star is Worn," "Humphrey Yogurt Cafe," "Warbabies," "Some Crust: the Bakery," "Retail Slut," and "Wacko".
Well, the best of the 155 Melrose Avenue photos will be in an online album soon, and the best of those in Sunday's Just Above Sunset. Until then, there is some local news.

Thursday, November 10, this appeared in the Los Angeles Times that landed with a thud on the doorstep he in Hollywood.

New Digs for Tail O' the Pup?
Internet gossip may complicate a possible relocation of the popular fast-food stand after it is forced from its spot in West Hollywood.
Bob Pool, Los Angeles Times

What's this? The Tail O' the Pup - one of those classic hot dog stands in the shape of a hot dog - classic LA stuff - is moving again. It used to be at La Cienega Boulevard and Beverly Place - that's where it stared in 1921. But they put up a giant mall - Beverly Center, roughly modeled after Renzo Piano's Beaubourg Center in Paris (the Pompidou) - and then a fancy Sofitel Hotel (a French chain, no less) right where the Tail O' the Pup was. They moved the Tail O' the Pup a few blocks over to San Vicente Boulevard in 1986, and now it may move to Westwood, by UCLA. But the deal may fall though as the new landlord, seeing all that chat on the internet, may want big, big bucks for the new site. The current landlord wants to use the site where it stands now to develop condominiums and a retirement community for gays and lesbians. This is West Hollywood we're talking about after all.

Is this the end of the Tail O' the Pup?

Better catch it before it's gone, which is what the pre-Melrose photo jaunt turned out to be - catching the past in Los Angeles before it disappears.

So here it is.

As luck would have it, the photographer who was assigned by USA Today to take shots of the Tale of the Pup, Bob Riha Jr, has been a customer of the famous food location for forty years. Here he gets a good one of the manager.

Ordering, and yes, the Tail O' the Pup is adjacent to Cedars-Sinai, so that really is a doctor in scrubs.



USA Today catching what may be gone soon.

Posted by Alan at 20:20 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:35 PST home

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