Saturday, 13 December 2003
Topic: The Culture
Observations of others...
"There's nothing I am worse at than long-term planning. I have never run my life that way. I believe that serendipity or fate or divine intervention has led me to a series of wholly implausible steps in my life. And I've been open to those twists and turns because I didn't have a long-term plan."
- National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on CNN, December 12, 2003.
Well, that explains a lot about the mess we're in.
"Mens sana in corpore sano is a contradiction in terms, the fantasy of a Mr. Have-your-cake-and-eat-it. No sane man can afford to dispense with debilitating pleasures; no ascetic can be considered reliably sane. Hitler was the archetype of the abstemious man. When the other krauts saw him drink water in the Beer Hall they should have known he was not to be trusted."
- A.J. Liebling, Between Meals: An Appetite for ParisYep, that be Greek - "Healthy body, healthy mind." They didn't think it was a contradiction in terms. Well, trust the ancient Greeks on this, and Adolph? Curious.
Well, Hitler wasn't exactly welcomed in Paris way back when. Not his kind of place. Decent wine everywhere, and stinky cheese too.
"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food."
- Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen ConfidentialVegans, a Hezbollah-like splinter-faction and the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit? Sanctimonious, sure. But the "enemy?" Indeed.
"Men who are accustomed over a long series of years to supposing that whatever can somehow be squared with the law is right - or if not right then allowable - are not useful members of society; and when they reach positions of power in the state they are noxious. They are people for whom ethics can be summed up by the collected statutes."
- Patrick O'Brian, The Reverse of the MedalWell, I'll think about that.
Friday, 12 December 2003
Getting down to basics in Iraq - get mean or get out...
Okay, I'm surfing the net and find a cut-to-the-chase piece on this Iraq war thing we're doing at the moment. And it seems to me this fellow at is good at getting to the real issue. We elected to have this war. And we did. We're there and no matter what the liberal left says, we have to deal with what we've done.
So we "win" this war, or we haul ass out of there.
Warblogging was founded in July of 2002 by "George Paine" - that's a pseudonym and it's hard to find out who he is. But the site has been referenced in Time Magazine, on the Reuters news wire, on National Public Radio, in The Village Voice, in The Globe and Mail, in Der Spiegel, and the Village Voice. So it's not ocscure.
Here a bit of what George says, with my comments.
The full article is here:
Can the War Be Won?
December 11, 2003,
It opens with a bit of history, or an historical claim.Guerilla wars are not easy things to win. History is full of great powers -- ranging from the United Kingdom to France to the Soviet Union to the United States of America -- losing guerilla wars. I think that it can be stated with authority that guerillas tend to win guerilla wars.
The Jewish groups fighting the British and Arabs for the state of Israel won their guerilla war. The Mujahedin in Afghanistan won their guerilla war. The Viet Cong won two wars against two great powers. The Khmer Rouge won their war. The Tamil Tigers aren't necessarily winning, but they're not necessarily losing either. The Irish Republican Army won, at least to some extent. The African National Congress won. The Kosovo Liberation Army won, and the FARC now control 40% of Columbia. The British lost in Iraq the first time around, and in Mandatory Palestine too. The Sandanistas won, at least for a while. The Algerian guerillas pushed the French from Algeria. The American rebels beat back the British redcoats.
Hundreds of guerilla conflicts can be listed, and in only a handful of cases could the superior military power be called the victor. And, when the superior military power wins it's generally only with significant losses.
There's a very good reason for this. Guerilla wars are usually wars in which the outcome matters an incredible amount for one side and not nearly as much for the other. Groups that engage in guerilla warfare are generally invaded or occupied peoples. They feel they are fighting for their very freedom, for their very lives. On the other hand their opponents are usually less invested in the conflict. The war they're fighting is often very far from home and very far from the actual national interests of their own countries.
Now that last comment is an interesting one.
We have been told this war is in our interest, that it's vital to our survival. In the run-up to the war we were told about the weapons of mass destruction and how they posed a grave threat to us, and we had to act - in self-defense. These guys, we were told, had connections to the guys who brought down the World Trade Center and messed up the Pentagon and killed three thousand of our folks. Invading Iraq, tossing out its government and occupying Iraq with a government we appointed, was just and right. And too, Saddam Hussein was an evil man and it was our duty to free the Iraqi people of him.
Now that these claims have been put aside - except for the one about Saddam Hussein being evil - we vehemently argue we have done this to bring a free-market, capitalist secular democracy to the region. Doing this will remake that factious region into one of peace and prosperity. It will be a shining example.
Well, as nice as that might be, the concept is a bit abstract compared to the previous explanations, and thus less than compelling. It doesn't "matter an incredible amount to our side" - because it is so idealistic, and perhaps not very compellingly "realistic." It doesn't stir the soul and make one want to enlist to save motherhood and apple pie, or even applehood and mother pie.
But we do have a wonderful military, with awesome powers. So?
This fellow claims we are not likely to win the war, or the occupation, or whatever, even so:... Strictly speaking, militarily speaking, the Iraqi insurgents are no match whatsoever for the might of the American military assembled today in Iraq. But if the history of assymetric warfare has taught us nothing else it is that assembled military might means little when a conflict matters incredibly to one side or another. Those who engage in guerilla warfare don't need to win on the field of battle. They don't have to completely decimate the enemy's forces. Instead they simply have to do more damage to their enemy than their enemy considers the conflict worth.
Okay, make the assumption that this effort, however abstract and idealistic, is worth it. A whole lot of people do not think so, but make that assumption. Well, George (Paine or Bush), what must we do?... There are two ways for America to "win" the occupation of Iraq. We can either completely and decimate the insurgency, crushing their ability to fight, or we can "win the hearts and minds" of the insurgents, thus removing their will to fight.
So far it appears that the United States is attempting to adopt a mixed-bag strategy -- attempting to both destroy the insurgency and win the "hearts and minds" of ordinary Iraqi people.
Well, yes. See "Who would Jesus assassinate?" We ask our consultants. Lieutenant General William "Jerry" Boykin and his Christian Army learn from the Israelis for details. We have started doing in Iraq what the Sharon government does so well in Gaza and the Left Bank: targeted assassinations, destroying homes as a "disincentive" to those who support our enemy, capturing and holding the relatives (wives and children) of the bad guys to get them to give themselves up. And that last item, although it kind of sounds like kidnapping and a sort of ransom demand from one point of view, from another point of view it's simply a way to win this thing. At the same time we rebuild schools.
We'll crush the bad guys and make the others love us and our way of life.
Is it possible? By these methods?... I don't think it possible to completely destroy the insurgency.
The very nature of an insurgency such as that being conducted in Iraq is that the insurgents blend into the civilian population, using sympathy or fear (or both) to hide among innocents. The insurgents have been successful enough in hiding among the regular Iraqi population that the United States military has itself resorted to a campaign of intimidation and retaliation -- destroying the farms and, in some cases, houses of those who refuse to cooperate in the hunt for insurgents.
Well, yes. But it seem we must use "intimidation and retaliation". What's the option?
And finally, is it all worth it?... What are the stakes for America in Iraq? The stakes are incredibly small compared to the Iraqi stakes. The entire invasion was predicated on the notion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that posed a threat -- imminent or otherwise -- to the United States of America. It has now been proven that Iraq either did not have such weapons or at least that those weapons never posed a direct threat to America. The American pain threshold in Iraq, therefore, is very different than the American pain threshold in Vietnam. It is certainly measured in thousands of troops rather than tens of thousands, and may even be measurable in the hundreds.
I think that at this point America is down to only one option for "winning" in Iraq: abandonment. It's time for the Bush Administration to say, "We made a mistake, we screwed up, and we can't win this war." It's time to leave.
I don't see that happening. We have our pride, if nothing else.
Topic: Iraq
The Fallout Continues: Our Attempts to Offend Everyone Explained
Previously, in
Strange doings in Washington- an attempt to simultaneously severely punish the French for being such miserable fools, and to convince them to be good folks and help us out. No wonder they are puzzled by it all.
and in
Quick Follow-Up: Showing the world that there is a real price to pay for getting uppity....
I discussed the various reactions to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz's directive barring Canadian, French, German and Russian companies from competing for the $18.6 billion of Iraqi reconstruction contracts for "the protection of the essential security interests of the United States."
The question - is this good diplomacy?
What does one make of The Weekly Standard, the bible of the neoconservative movement, yesterday saying this was just plain dumb - and in a piece authored by their top theorists and senior editors - William Kristol and Robert Kagan?
Now that is odd!
See Contracts for Iraq: Reverse the Pentagon's Decision
William Kristol and Robert Kagan, The Weekly Standard 12/11/2003 2:00:00 AM... We hold no brief for the Chirac, Schroeder, or Putin governments. We are also very much in favor of finding ways to work more closely with other governments - such as those of Britain, Spain and Poland - who have courageously stood with us, and who hold the promise of continuing to be more helpful to us. We have even been critical of the Bush Administration for a certain lack of imagination in finding ways to work constructively with these friendly governments. But this particular effort by the Pentagon to reward friends and punish enemies is stupid, and should be abandoned.
A deviously smart American administration would have quietly distributed contracts for rebuilding Iraq as it saw fit, without any announced policy of discrimination. At the end of the day, it would be clear that opponents of American policy didn't fare too well in the bidding process. Message delivered, but with a certain subtlety.
A more clever American administration would have thrown a contract or two to a couple of those opponents, to a German firm, for instance, as a way of wooing at least the business sectors in a country where many businessmen do want to strengthen ties with the United States.
A truly wise American administration would have opened the bidding to all comers, regardless of their opposition to the war -- as a way of buying those countries into the Iraq effort, building a little goodwill for the future, and demonstrating to the world a little magnanimity.
But instead of being smart, clever, or magnanimous, the Bush Administration has done a dumb thing.
Bill! Bob! That's rather blunt.
Well, a lot of the buzz today is that this whole business is part of a clever master plan as the family fixer, James Baker, starts his effort to get those same nations to forgive Iraq those tens of billions in debts Iraq owes them.
The idea is this: France, Germany, Russia and Canada can get in on these contracts if they do one of two things.
They can either 1.) send troops to Iraq and say this country did exactly the right thing in invading, and eat crow, or 2.) they can forgive all of the billions they are owed and write it all off. Do one or the other and they can bid on the reconstruction contracts. Otherwise, go pound sand. This is hardball.
Josh Marshall over at Talking Point Memo comments on this.Some folks seem to be under the misimpression that there's some clever bargaining going on here. There's not.
Think about it. The whole pot is about $20 billion. Let's imagine the French and the Germans both got fabulously lucky and their companies managed to land contracts for a billion a piece. Does anyone think that Germany or France are going to write off billions of dollars in Iraqi loans or invite a backlash from their anti-Iraq war publics by sending in some troops all for the privilege of having the French or German versions of Halliburton or Bechtel make a few million dollars?
Of course not.
Ah, that's logical, or at least logical in terms of profit and loss.
The other buzz going around is that this Wolfowitz and Baker effort is not coordinated at all, but rather an internal power struggle with the hawks (Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld) making a statement to the doves (Powell and the rest of the State Department - those silly guys who like diplomacy and not lots of war). The directive on reconstruction bidding is then a shot across the bow by the unilateralists - "Don't even think about saying we can't do this ourselves! Never suggest diplomacy is better than war."
Paul Krugman explains that in the New York Times today.
See A Deliberate Debacle
Paul Krugman, The New York Times, Friday, December 12, 2003
The whole thing is quite detailed and worth a read. Here's the key:... I think the administration's hard-liners are deliberately sabotaging reconciliation.
Surely this wasn't just about reserving contracts for administration cronies. Yes, Halliburton is profiteering in Iraq -- will apologists finally concede the point, now that a Pentagon audit finds overcharging? And reports suggest a scandal in Bechtel's vaunted school-repair program.
But I've always found claims that profiteering was the motive for the Iraq war - as opposed to a fringe benefit - as implausible as claims that the war was about fighting terrorism. There are deeper motives here.
Mr. Wolfowitz's official rationale for the contract policy is astonishingly cynical: "Limiting competition for prime contracts will encourage the expansion of international cooperation in Iraq and in future efforts" -- future efforts? -- and "should encourage the continued cooperation of coalition members." Translation: we can bribe other nations to send troops.
But I doubt whether even Mr. Wolfowitz believes that. The last year, from the failure to get U.N. approval for the war to the retreat over the steel tariff, has been one long lesson in the limits of U.S. economic leverage. Mr. Wolfowitz knows as well as the rest of us that allies who could really provide useful help won't be swayed by a few lucrative contracts.
If the contracts don't provide useful leverage, however, why torpedo a potential reconciliation between America and its allies? Perhaps because Mr. Wolfowitz's faction doesn't want such a reconciliation.
Damn, I think I hear a conspiracy theory coming! Yes, I do! Here it is!In short, this week's diplomatic debacle probably reflects an internal power struggle, with hawks using the contracts issue as a way to prevent Republican grown-ups from regaining control of U.S. foreign policy.
And initial indications are that the ploy is working - that the hawks have, once again, managed to tap into Mr. Bush's fondness for moralistic, good-versus-evil formulations. "It's very simple," Mr. Bush said yesterday. "Our people risk their lives... Friendly coalition folks risk their lives... The contracting is going to reflect that."
In the end the Bush doctrine - based on delusions of grandeur about America's ability to dominate the world through force - will collapse. What we've just learned is how hard and dirty the doctrine's proponents will fight against the inevitable.
But then again, the problem could just be incompetence - not coordinating actions with a strategy the has all the various tactics working toward a single end. It seems the "single end" hasn't exactly been worked out yet.
Oh well. I guess just as the "real reason" we invaded Iraq is slowly being worked out, so our relationship with countries other than the UK will slowly be imagined and then articulated.
I can hardly wait.
Andy Borowitz today has his own take on this all.
Timing 'Unfortunate,' Wolfowitz Says
Friday, December 12, 2003The Pentagon said today that it regretted releasing a memo indicating that France sucks just hours before the U.S. was to ask the French to forgive billions in Iraqi debt.
"The timing of the memo was unfortunate," said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who authored the memo. "We should have released the memo after the French agreed to forgive the debt."
In concluding his mea culpa, Mr. Wolfowitz said, "Our timing, much like France itself, sucks."
The Wolfowitz memo, which was entitled "France: Why It Sucks," was the talk of diplomatic circles in Paris and Washington today.
"If Monsieur Wolfowitz believes that France sucks, he is certainly entitled to his opinion," said French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin. "But there was no need to list 1,001 reasons."
For his part, Mr. Wolfowitz agreed that the length of the memo was a "rare misstep for me," adding, "I should have gone with my original idea, 'The Top Ten Reasons Why France Sucks.'"
And so on...
I suppose this all is rather funny.
Thursday, 11 December 2003
Topic: Iraq
Why we fight: the real (latest) reason we elected to wage this war, examined by an old-line conservative. Does he misuse history?
Things are getting really odd when you find a column by Pat Buchanan republished on a site called antiwar of all things. But there it sat yesterday.
These folks gave him a short bio: Patrick J. Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party's candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of the new magazine, The American Conservative. Now a commentator and columnist, he served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national television shows, and is the author of seven books.
They did not note Pat is pretty ticked at the current "neoconservative" crowd running things now, nor note his history of xenophobic, isolationist views.
Anyway, Buchanan rips into Bush and his recent speeches on democracy - a November addresses at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington and at the Whitehall Palace in London on that recent trip to the UK.
Buchanan considers them and suggests Bush didn't even know what he was saying.
See Here We Go Again
Pat Buchanan, December 10, 2003,
Buchanan can be blunt:George Bush did not write this democratist drivel. This is the kind of messianic rhetoric he probably never heard before he became president. Who is putting these words in his mouth? For if George Bush truly intends to lead a "global democratic revolution," and convert not only Iraq but the whole Middle East to democracy, he has ceased to be a conservative and we are headed for endless conflicts, disappointments, disillusionment and tragedy.
And then he starts with the rhetorical questions regarding Bush:Where in the Constitution is he empowered to go around the world destabilizing governments? Can he truly believe that by hectoring such autocracies as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, America is more secure? Who comes to power if Mubarak goes in Cairo, the Saudi monarchy falls, or Musharaff is ousted in Pakistan? If memory serves, the last wave of popular revolutions in the region gave us Nasser, Khadafi, Saddam and the Ayatollah.
Ah yes, good questions all.
And then this:Where did he get the idea we are insecure because the Islamic world is not democratic? The Islamic world has never been democratic. Yet, before we intervened massively there, our last threat came from Barbary pirates. Lest we forget, Muhammad Atta and his comrades did not plot their atrocities in the Sunni Triangle, but in Hamburg and Delray Beach.
Surveys shows that Islamic people bear a deep resentment of U.S. dominance of their region and our one-sided support for Israel. Interventionism is not America's solution, it is America's problem.
Now that is interesting. I seem to recall Buchanan is an ex-Marine, so the strains of the Marine Corp Hymn " the shores of Tripoli" do mean something here - the Marines really did take care of the Barbary pirates. Was that the last justifiable use of US forces over in that part of the world - the 1805 storming of Barbary pirates' harbor fortress stronghold of Derna (Tripoli)? Really? I'm not so sure.
But he does have a point. Hamburg and Delray Beach are dangerous places in the sense he means - bad folks plan bad things there. Iraq is just another place. Or was.
But his point is not that this particular recent intervention was bone-headed. What is really bone-headed is the idea that we know best. And the reasoning? Freedom, the president said, "must be chosen and defended by those who choose it." Exactly. Why not then let these Islamic peoples choose it on their own timetable and defend it themselves?
It is "cultural condescension," says Bush, "to assume the Middle East cannot be converted to democracy. ... Perhaps the most helpful change we can make is to change in our own thinking."
But if 22 of 22 Arab states are non-democratic, this would seem to suggest that this soil is not particularly conducive to growing the kind of democracies we raise in upper New England.
... What support is there in history for the view that as we meddle in the affairs of foreign nations, we advance our security? How would we have responded in the 19th century if Britain had declared a policy of destabilizing the American Union until Andrew Jackson abolished slavery?
Well, there he goes, arguing from history again.
Well, "History never repeats itself. It only seems like it does to those who don't know the details." - see History: What you don't know can't hurt you. Maybe. Maybe not... for some thoughts on that.
But I get the point. This whole enterprise, this new way of explaining why we went to war - since there seem to be no weapons of mass destruction after all - has no good precedent.
In fact, examining history suggests it might be more than a little bit dumb.
I suspect Bush, who prides himself on not reading much, reads even less history.
Topic: Iraq
A simple analogy that raises the question "Now what?"
Reasons to go see the new Christmas movie Bad Santa.
David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation today in Tom Paine - Common Sense...
Feeling The Sting Thursday, December 11, 2003
Here's his analogy:There's a hornet's nest out back. You and your buddy talk about what to do about it. He says, "I'm going to hit it with a stick." You say, "No, don't do that. Let's think about another way to deal with the problem."
He says, "I'm going to hit it with a stick." You plead, "Don't do this. Maybe we can smoke them out. Ask others what to do. Find some other solution."
He says, "I'm going to hit it with a stick." You reply, " No, really, let's--" He then hits the nest with a stick. Hornets go flying everywhere. They sting whomever they can find. As chaos ensues, your friend looks at you and says, "Hey, don't tell me that it was wrong to hit it with a stick. That would be a waste of time. Tell me what's your solution for dealing with the problem now."
Such a scenario is an imperfect analogy for the position war critics find themselves in these days. (Imperfect because a hornet's nest might pose a more immediate threat to the characters in this tale than Saddam Hussein, despite all his brutality, posed to the United States.)
In recent weeks, defenders of the war have dismissed criticism of the war as counterproductive at this point in time and have tried to turn the tables on the critics by demanding they provide a roadmap for victory and extrication. It's an old ruse: don't be so negative, give us solutions. But there is no reason why I-told-you-so critics should be expected to pull George W. Bush's bacon from the fire. In fact, there may be no way out.
It's not much fun to be gloomy about a war that Bush now says was fought to bring democracy to the repressed people of Iraq. (Well, he can't keep saying he went in to find weapons of mass destruction.) Yet Bush is stuck in a hole of his own digging. Pulling out of Iraq and leaving the Iraqis to their own devices - and to the mercy of the murderous Ba'athist thugs - would be an immoral act. But staying in Iraq as occupiers seems at this moment a problematic position as well.
I just spoke to my glum friend in his law offices on Wall Street. He says we're fucked. But everyone is gloomy around this time of year - Christmas/Hanukah - what with all the endless good cheer in the air everyone feels, everyone but you.
My friend keeps telling me I ought go see Bad Santa - the new film with Billie Bob Thornton as a dissolute, despairing, nasty anti-Santa. Perhaps I will.
As for David Corn and his observations? You can click on the link and get details. He ends with this:How can one act reasonably or rationally in a situation borne of delusion? Some things broken cannot be repaired. Yes, moaning will not make things better (unless, of course, it leads to Bush's replacement). And non-delusional minds ought to try to find a path out of this mess. But it never should be forgotten that Bush waged an elective war based on a phony rationale, that he did not prepare for the easy-to-foresee aftermath, that he rushed in with his stick, and that the unleashed hornets are his fault.
So? Such things "never should be forgotten" and Bush should not be reelected? Perhaps that will come to be - but I doubt that.
But what about now and our guys in Iraq? What next?
So... Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukah.
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