Topic: Iraq
Just Kidding
Many political sites are pointing back to this. What happened? No one told the woman? We weren't supposed to notice nothing like this actually happened? Quite curious.
See Rice will manage Iraq's 'new phase'
Judy Keen, USA TODAY - Posted 10/6/2003 10:02 PM - Updated 10/7/2003 6:52 AM
Or maybe all this stuff about the prison abuse photos and the odd quasi-siege of Fallujah and the Sunni uprising being joined by the Shiites and everything else is not the result of anything Rumsfeld has done. It's that Rice woman. One wonders what she's planning for close-of-business on June 30 when we hand Iraq over to what in the world of professional sports are referred to as "players to be named later."WASHINGTON -- President Bush is giving his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, the authority to manage postwar Iraq and the rebuilding of Afghanistan.
While some saw it as a sign of frustration with the handling of postwar efforts, Bush and other officials said the move is a logical next step and reflected no dissatisfaction with progress.
"We want to cut through the red tape and make sure that we're getting the assistance there quickly so that they can carry out their priorities," Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said. "It's a new phase, a different phase we're entering."
Rice will head the Iraq Stabilization Group, which will have coordinating committees on counterterrorism, economic development, political affairs and media messages. Each committee will be headed by a Rice deputy and include representatives of the State, Defense and Treasury departments and the CIA.
No. One needs to take press releases with a grain of salt. Just an idea, quietly abandoned. Our press, left and right, did not follow up, as we don't want to make our leader seem... feckless? Heavens forefend!
And folks wonder why no one takes what the administration says at face value. But it would be useful if when they say things like this someone in the background holds up a sign that reads "Just Kidding" - or one that says "We May Actually Do This." That might help.
Posted by Alan at 17:39 PDT
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