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Sunday, 7 December 2003

Topic: Iraq

Two folks talking in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at MIT, on Friday, come up with "Instant History" - the stages of our Iraq policy all wrapped up nice and neat!

Juan Cole is a professor of history at the University of Michigan who publishes his musings at Juan Cole * Informed Comment * - Thoughts on the Middle East, History, Islam, and Religion and here you will find this: Stages of American Iraq, and Parallels - Sunday, December 07, 2003
I was on an Iraq panel at MIT on Friday with Ivo Daalder, co-author of the just-published America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy. I found his views of how the policy in Iraq has developed very interesting, and I think I contributed something, too.
Okay, then. What are these views?
... we have three phases of American policy in Iraq and different analogies to other US imperial ventures, based on who was on top:

1. Jay Garner: Was planning to put Iraq on an even keel within 6 months and go home. This plan would have entailed putting Ahmad Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress in charge of the Iraqi Army and bureaucracy (both would have been retained). It resembled the policy toward France after the US victory in 1945, where the government was handed over to the Free French. This policy was favored by Cheney and Rumsfeld.

2. Paul Bremer, First Phase: Bremer displaces Garner by mid-May. Intends to rule Iraq himself by fiat for two or three years. He disbands the Iraqi army altogether and puts off re-instituting the ministries. This is a Japan sort of plan, with Bremer playing MacArthur. He initially does not plan to have an Interim Governing Council or early elections. This plan was probably favored by Wolfowitz and some other neocons. (Bremer first phase was modified July 13 when Bremer is forced to appoint an Interim Governing Council, because he simply did not have the legitimacy to rule Iraq by himself).

3. Paul Bremer, Second Phase: The Nov. 15 agreement is hastily hammered out calling for quick elections on a caucus basis, so that Bremer can hand over power to it by July 1, 2004. So, he would depart a year or two before scheduled. This is an Afghanistan model, complete with a US-invented Iraqi analogue to the manipulated Loya Jirga. Again, this model would be supported by Rumsfeld and Cheney and would raise anxieties among the neocons, who are dedicated to a Japan model of completely reshaping Iraq via direct US rule.

So, we've had three different models in less than 8 months, with the Washington infighting reinforced by the problem the US has had in getting control of the security situation

...these whipsaw movements in Iraq no doubt do reflect Washington power struggles to some extent, but I'm not sure we have a really clear idea of who played what role. That developments on the ground in Iraq were more influential could be argued.
And this is going to make us all feel better? Sounds like we're making things up as we go along. But that has been said quite a bit recently.

Well, these two are historians. I assume Juan and Ivo got out of Cambridge, Massachusetts before the blizzard.

Posted by Alan at 15:54 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 13:24 PST home

Topic: Iraq

More of his own supporters turn on George Bush?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Newt Gingrich speaks out.

Two items below, in The Conservative Case Against George W. Bush I reviewed the cover story in the news issue of The American Conservative where Doug Bandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, gets on George Bush's case. And now Newt Gingrich in Newsweek starts in.

See Dissent in the Bunker
Newt Gingrich, a quiet Rumsfeld confidant, thinks the U.S. went `off a cliff' in Iraq. by John Barry and Evan Thomas, NEWSWEEK, December 15, 2003 issue

This is interesting. As these two point out, Gingrich sit on the Defense Policy Board, a collection of outside experts - mostly heavyweight conservatives - who regularly consult with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. And they think disquiet in this quarter is particularly significant, since the Defense Policy Board pushed from the outset for the invasion of Iraq. And they got an exclusive interview with Gingrich.

And how does the conservative-of-conservatives think things are going over in Iraq? What does he say in the interview? Can you say "Vietnam"?
His basic point: where are the Iraqi faces in the New Iraq? "Americans can't win in Iraq," he says. "Only Iraqis can win in Iraq."

Gingrich argues that the administration has been putting far too much emphasis on a military solution and slighting the political element. "The real key here is not how many enemy do I kill. The real key is how many allies do I grow," he says. "And that is a very important metric that they just don't get." He contends that the civilian-run CPA is fairly isolated and powerless, hunkered down inside its bunker in Baghdad. The military has the money and the daily contact with the locals. But it's using the same tactics in a guerrilla struggle that led to defeat in Vietnam.

"The Army's reaction to Vietnam was not to think about it," he says. Rather than absorb the lessons of counterinsurgency, Gingrich says, the Army adopted "a deliberate strategy of amnesia because people didn't want to ever do it again."
Well, Newt always has been a bit of a loose cannon - a few months ago he wanted Bush to fire the Secretary Of State (Powell) and dissolve that department. Something about how they were all traitors for talking to foreign heads of states and other diplomats who disagreed with us. Here Gingrich, the loose cannon, seems to be rolling to the other side of the gundeck.

The interviewers also give us this:
In essence, the Americans never did transfer power. They disbanded the Iraqi Army and the government, realized that was a mistake, and quickly tried to cobble together an Iraqi police force and military. But the Iraqis in uniform today are seen by too many Iraqi citizens as American collaborators. Gingrich faults the Americans for not quickly establishing some sort of Iraqi government, however imperfect. "The idea that we are going to have a corruption-free, pristine, League of Women Voters government in Iraq on Tuesday is beyond naivete," he scoffs. "It is a self-destructive fantasy." (The White House insists that it is paying close attention to local politics and has speeded up the timetable to turn over power to the Iraqis.)

The rumor mill in the Pentagon suggests that Bush's "exit strategy" is to get American troops coming home in waves by next November's election. Obliquely, Gingrich indicates that would be a huge mistake. The guerrillas cannot be allowed to believe that they only have to outlast the Americans to win. "The only exit strategy is victory," Gingrich says. But not by brute American force. "We are not the enforcers. We are the reinforcers," says Gingrich. "The distinction between these two words is central to the next year in Iraq."
Well. It seems these sorts of ideas from this sort of man indicate something is afoot in Washington. Rats jumping from the sinking ship?

More likely it's just interagency infighting. I don't think Newt will now jump on the Howard Dean bandwagon.

Posted by Alan at 15:32 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 13:33 PST home

Topic: Photos
Heavy rain at dawn here in the Hollywood Hills, followed by fog. As my friend Ric calls it, Raymond Chandler weather...

Blogging on current events and commentary resumes this afternoon.

Posted by Alan at 10:29 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 09:37 PST home

Saturday, 6 December 2003

Topic: Bush
"It's not just the left that's angry any longer..."
The Conservative Case Against George W. Bush

Doug Bandow is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. In the December 1, 2003 issue of The American Conservative he has a few things to say. In fact, he gets the cover story.

A word about the magazine. The American Conservative was started last year by Pat Buchanan. These guys want their conservative movement back, and they want their Republican Party back. And they're angry too. Very angry.

As Buchanan said last year, "The conservative movement has been hijacked and turned into a globalist, interventionist, open borders ideology, which is not the conservative movement I grew up with." (The New York Times, September 8, 2002)

And now Doug Bandow has this, the centerpiece of the new issue: Righteous Anger: The Conservative Case Against George W. Bush

Doug Bandow concludes:"George W. Bush enjoys neither royal nor religious status that would place him beyond criticism. Whether or not he is a real conservative, he is no friend of limited, constitutional government. And for that the American people should be very, very angry."

You can read the whole thing at the link, but here are some interesting excerpts:
Some liberals admit that they hate President George W. Bush. Many conservatives say they are appalled at this phenomenon. Indeed, some of them believe any criticism of the president to be akin to treason. So much for the political tone in Washington.

American politics have never been for the faint-hearted.
And to prove that point he reviews some history: George Washington taking abuse, the vitriolic John Adams and Thomas Jefferson campaigns, the Republicans excoriating Truman, the Democrats Goldwater - all that stuff. And he comments on how many Republicans were eager to claim Bill Clinton was in fact a drug-dealing murderer whose wife killed family friend Vincent Foster. I have a friend who argues that position to me repeatedly. And Bandow, of course, reviews the current "hatred" of Bush - Jonathan Chait in the New Republic saying, "You decide Bush is a dullard lacking any moral constraints in his pursuit of partisan gain, loyal to no principle save the comfort of the very rich, unburdened by any thoughtful consideration of the national interest, and a man who, on those occasions when he actually does make a correct decision, does so almost by accident."

And Bandow comments on the response from the right - screams that Bush is wonderful, liberals are irrational, and the whole thing is bad for America. He says these are rather hilarious arguments coming from conservatives. For instance, New York Times columnist David Brooks calls the phenomenon of the Bush haters a "core threat to democracy." Yet, as Brooks acknowledges, the Clinton years were also well-populated with haters. Brooks now regrets having not spoken out more clearly against the latter. Better late than never, perhaps...

Bandow adds:
I never understood why conservatives invested so much emotion in Clinton. He was a charming and bright but enormously flawed, highly ambitious man of few principles. That warranted criticism, not hatred. ... Similarly, though George W. Bush is very different from Bill Clinton, hatred makes no sense. But anger is appropriate.

Much of the liberal case against President Bush is barely short of silly. His election was not illegitimate. Whether or not the candidate with the most votes should win, that's not what the U.S. Constitution says. Blame the Founders, not George W. Bush.

Complaints about Bush's fabled inarticulateness and privileged background are superficial. More worrisome are his partisan focus, demand for personal loyalty, and tendency to keep score, but these are hardly characteristics warranting hatred.

The charge that he's a crazy right-winger is beyond silly. Other than tax cuts--which have benefited the rich only because the rich paid, and still pay, most of the taxes--virtually nothing of conservative substance has happened. Government is more expansive and expensive than ever before.
Indeed. So just what is the problem, Doug?

Here he lays it out (my emphases):
First, George W. Bush, despite laudable personal and family characteristics, is remarkably incurious and ill read. Gut instincts can carry even a gifted politician only so far. And a lack of knowledge leaves him vulnerable to simplistic remedies to complex problems, especially when it comes to turning America into the globe's governess.

Second, despite occasional exceptions, the Bush administration, backed by the Republican-controlled Congress, has been promoting larger government at almost every turn. Its spending policies have been irresponsible, and its trade strategies have been destructive. The president has been quite willing to sell out the national interest for perceived political gain, whether the votes sought are from seniors or farmers. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 encouraged the administration to push into law civil-liberties restrictions that should worry anyone, whether they are wielded by a Bush or a Clinton administration.

The president and his aides have given imperiousness new meaning. Officials are apparently incapable of acknowledging that their pre-war assertions about Iraq's WMD capabilities were incorrect; indeed, they resent that the president is being questioned about his administration's claims before the war. They are unwilling to accept a role for Congress in deciding how much aid money to spend.

Some of Bush's supporters have been even worse, charging critics with a lack of patriotism. Not to genuflect at the president's every decision is treason. In two decades of criticizing liberal politicians and positions, I have rarely endured the vitriol that was routinely spewed by conservatives when I argued against war with Iraq over the last year. Conservative papers stopped running my column; conservative Web sites removed it from their archives. That was their right, of course, but they demonstrated that it was not just the Clintons who were fair-weather friends.

Third, President George W. Bush has made Woodrow Wilson the guiding spirit of Republican foreign policy. A candidate who criticized nation building is now pursuing global social engineering. The representative of a party that once criticized foreign aid is now pushing lavish U.S. social spending abroad, demanding that it be a gift rather than a loan.

And the administration has advanced a doctrine of pre-emption that encourages war for allegedly humanitarian ends. Attempting to justify the Iraqi war retrospectively by pointing to Saddam Hussein's manifold crimes, the president apparently believes he may attack any nation to advance human rights. Ironically, the Bush administration has adopted as its policy the question posed by then UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright to then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell: what's the use of having this fine military you keep talking about if we don't use it?

The negative practical consequences of this policy are all too evident. Ugly foreign governments from Iran to North Korea have an incentive to arm themselves, quickly, with WMD to deter a U.S. preventive assault. Iraq has become a magnet for terrorist attacks while becoming a long-term dependent under U.S. military occupation. Anger towards--indeed, hatred of--Washington is likely to continue growing, even in once friendly nations. It will be difficult to maintain an imperial foreign policy with a volunteer military.
And there's more. But you get the idea.

One more thing for Karl Rove to worry about...

Posted by Alan at 16:53 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 13:28 PST home

Friday, 5 December 2003

Topic: Election Notes
Stranger in a Strange Land
On being a Republican in New York City

David Brooks has some comments in the Saturday New York Times warning Republicans about the city, where the Republicans will have their convention next September. Amusing.

New York is not a place where Republicans can feel at home. New York has Central Park, which is a large pastoral area without a single putting green. It is a city with nearly eight million people, none of whom own riding mowers.

New Yorkers suffer from liberal anhedonia, which is the inability to derive pleasure from grossly oversized pieces of machinery. So when a Republican starts a perfectly normal conversation about the glories of his powerboat, snowmobile, combine or hemi, the liberal is likely to screech out something about the ozone layer.

New York is a city of strange rituals. The people live in these vertical gated communities they call apartment buildings, but they don't seem to have normal family structures. If a Martian landed in a Manhattan playground, he would conclude that human beings start out small and white, and grow up to become middle-aged Jamaican women. In Manhattan, when an oldest child turns 12, entire families disappear overnight.
His advice to the delegates:
They'll be subjected to long harangues that rely heavily on the words "multilateral," "Kyoto" and "John Ashcroft." They'll get condescending looks when they go into a deli and order a strawberry and chocolate chip bagel with pineapple cream cheese -- a perfectly acceptable bagel option in most suburbs. They will na?vely pick up The Village Voice, thinking it contains small-town news. When the Utah delegation pauses to say grace before dinner at Elaine's, the cultural dissonance will be so great it will be measurable on the Richter scale.

We need to tell prospective G.O.P. delegates what sort of clothing they cannot wear in New York: pastels, pleated pants, khakis, Docksiders and tassels. If a Republican was seen walking down Riverside Drive wearing his normal outfit -- tasseled loafers, no socks, green pants, a festive plaid sports jacket and a faded Hawaiian Tommy Bahama shirt -- some New Yorker would come up and ask him if he could bring Paris Hilton out to his home for a reality series.

We also need to tell them what they will need to blend in: dark, rumpled clothing, frayed shopping bags from the Strand, logo-less sweatshirts, Yasir Arafat-style facial hair and those black rectangular glasses that make everybody look like a Dutch architect.

We're going to have to give them phrases they can use in case they are called upon to make elevator small talk. We have to give them examples of sentiments they should avoid ("You're Jewish? Oh, I love your Ariel Sharon!"), and examples of phrases they should use ("Nice weather we're having. Too bad about the climate of McCarthyism settling over the land.")
The rest generally makes fun of liberals. I find it a little lame, but Brooks gets off a good phrase here and there.

For further comments on anhedonia - the inability to feel pleasure or happiness, a psychological condition characterized by inability to experience pleasure in acts which normally produce it - see The Albert Camus - Woody Allen connection...

You can read all of the Brooks thing here:
Going Native for 2004
David Brooks, The New York Times, December 6, 2003

Posted by Alan at 22:23 PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 13:38 PST home

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