Topic: Election Notes
How we choose our leaders -
Eric Alterman has this to say:
And the counterargument is?Based on his intellect, experience and knowledge of the issues Kerry -- like Gore -- is obviously more qualified to be president than Bush is. Furthermore he is morally far better qualified to send men to die in battle if need be. And finally, he is also closer to the American people on the panoply of issues that people say matter to them. What Kerry is not is more "likeable," at least as defined by the punditocracy. This may even be true. But so what? Just look where "likeability" has gotten us. We are the only advanced democratic nation in the world even to entertain such nonsense as a serious issue. And yet it will likely decide whether Bush and company are given a chance to finish the work they have begun: destroying the fiscal basis of our children's future; ensuring the violent hatred of our nation for generations to come and inviting Christian fundamentalists the right to determine what rights we enjoy in our public and private lives. I know that sounds overheated and inflammatory. I only wish it were, but there it is. That's all.
Posted by Alan at 18:35 PDT
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