Topic: The Movies
Movie References: Life in Southern California

In a window just off Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills this full-size replica seems to be for sale. See this - "Superman leaps tall buildings in a single bound, flies faster than a speeding bullet and, this summer, will land in audience laps in a 3-D version of 'Superman Returns,' set for Imax movie theaters. Imax and Warner Bros. film studio said they plan to feature 20 minutes of the big-budget Hollywood movie in three dimensions when it hits theaters in late June, marking the first live-action, 3-D movie on giant Imax screens."
Superman Returns is scheduled for 30 June, with Brandon Routh as the dude - "After the battle with General Zod and his gang of Kryptonian super-villains, Superman (Brandan Routh) mysteriously disappears for six years. After searching for more possible survivors from Krypton and finding none, Superman returns to Metropolis to re-assume the identity of Clark Kent. Once he returns, he discovers that Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) is in a relationship and also has a son. Superman also discovers that Metropolis has learned to live without him, causing him to lose his motivation to fight and protect. To make matters worse, Superman's old nemesis Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) has devised a plan to defeat the Man of Steel, for good. Superman must put his troubles behind him in order to protect his lost love, and the city who lost faith in him."
He's for sale, under glass, in Beverly Hills. Why wait for the movie?

This weekend at a birthday party down in Orange County, for a young lad turning seven, the movie Village of the Damned came to mind.

Posted by Alan
at 6:53 PM PDT
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Updated: Monday, 3 April 2006 6:56 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 3 April 2006 6:56 PM PDT