Topic: Technical Exercises
Close-Up Photography
The fellow who writes the Book Wrangler and World's Laziest Journalist columns each week for Just Above Sunset, Bob Patterson, recently commented that it was a shame you just cannot do good extreme close-up photography with a digital camera. Nonsense. It just takes some effort and planning. It's quite possible with the Nikon (specs in the right panel). It just takes a bit of effort. And there seems to be a leaning curve.
Samples from late afternoon, Wednesday, March 8, 2006, starting with a small shell on the arm of the old leather chair -

The new California quarter on the windowsill. The lower edge is out of focus as this was shot at an angle (oops).

A collection of coins -

The shell in context -

Posted by Alan
at 5:49 PM PST
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Updated: Thursday, 9 March 2006 8:58 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 9 March 2006 8:58 AM PST